日期: 2023年2月5日(星期日)
時間: 9.00am - 4.15pm
挑戰組: (16公里~7小時入完成)
比賽起點: 城門水塘大壩
終點: 大帽山扶輪公園
體驗組: (8公里~3小時入完成)
時間: 1.00pm - 4.15pm
比賽起點/終點: 大帽山扶輪公園
家庭組: (3公里~2小時入完成)
時間: 2.00pm - 4.15pm
比賽起點/終點: 大帽山扶輪公園
Date: Sunday, 5 February 2023
Time: 9.00am - 4.15pm
Challenge team: (16km~within7hrs)
Starts: Shing Mun Main Dam
Ends: Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park
Experience team: (8km~within3hrs)
Time: 1.00pm - 4.15pm
Starts/Ends: Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park
Family team: (3km~within2hrs)
Time: 2.00pm - 4.15pm
Starts/Ends: Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park
挑戰組路線 (16km, 7小時內完成)
Challenge team (16km, Time Limited: 7 hours)
<標竿獎: 與實際時間前後差距不多於8分鐘 / Goal Race Award: Actual time is within a variance of not more than 8 minutes>
城門水塘主霸 (起點) > 麥理浩徑第7段 > 針山 > 草山 > 鉛礦坳 (水站) > 四方亭 > 大帽山山頂 > 大帽山路 (沿馬路) > 大帽山扶輪公園 (終點)
Shing Mun Main Dam > Maclehose Trail Session 7 > Needle Hill > Grassy Hill > Lead Mine Pass (Water Station) > Sze Fong Shan > Top of Tai Mo Shan > Tai Mo Shan Road (Along the road) > Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park (Finish)
Download : Google Map / GPX
起點Start Point: 城門水塘主霸 (開放時間Opening hours: 0815 - 0930)
* 比賽開始時間Race Starts time: 0900
水站 Water Station : 鉛礦坳Lead Mine Pass (開放時間Opening hours: 0930 - 1230)
提供: 水, 運動飲品, 汽水. Provide: Water, Sports Drinks, Soft drinks
終點Finish Point: 大帽山扶輪公園Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park (開放時間Opening hours: 1000 - 1615) 提供: 水, 汽水. Provide: Water and Soft drinks
* 比賽限時7小時,需要下午4時15分前到達 Race time limit 7 hours : Arrival before 1615
大帽山遊客中心連姐店 (慶祝地點) : Tai Mo Shan Lin Jar Kisok (celebration place)
水, 汽水, 豆漿, 燒賣, 果仁, 薯片, water, soft drink, soya bean, nuts, chips, Kong Hong street food.
體驗組路線 (8km, 3小時內完成)
Experience team (8km, Time Limited: 3 hours)
<標竿獎: 與實際時間前後差距不多於10分鐘 / Goal Race Award: Actual time is within a variance of not more than 10 minutes>
大帽山扶輪公園 > 大帽山遊客中心蓮姐店 > 麥理浩徑第8段 > 麥理浩徑第8段(草地) > 大帽山路 (沿馬路上山) > 大帽山山頂 > 大帽山路 (沿馬路落山) > 大帽山扶輪公園 (終點)
Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park (Starts) > Tai Mo Shan Lin Jar Kisok > Maclehose Trail Session 8 > Maclehose Trail Session 8 (Grassland) > Tai Mo Shan Road (Along the road uphill) > Top of Tai Mo Shan > Tai Mo Shan Road (Along the road downhill) > Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park (Finish)
Download : Google Map / GPX
起點Start Point: 大帽山扶輪公園 (開放時間Opening hours: 1215 - 1315)
* 比賽開始時間Race Starts time: 1300
終點Finish Point: 大帽山扶輪公園Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park (開放時間Opening hours: 1330 - 1615) 提供: 水, 汽水. Provide: Water and Soft drinks
* 比賽限時3小時Race time limit 3 hours: 需要下午4時15分前到達 Arrival before 1615
大帽山遊客中心連姐店 (慶祝地點) : Tai Mo Shan Lin Jar Kisok (celebration place)
水, 汽水, 豆漿, 燒賣, 果仁, 薯片, water, soft drink, soya bean, nuts, chips, Kong Hong street food.
家庭組路線 (3km, 2小時內完成)
Family team (3km, Time Limited: 2 hours)
<標竿獎: 與實際時間前後差距不多於12分鐘 / Goal Race Award: Actual time is within a variance of not more than 12 minutes>
大帽山扶輪公園 > 大帽山遊客中心蓮姐店 > 麥理浩徑第8段 > 麥理浩徑第8段(草地) > 大帽山路 (沿馬路) > 大帽山扶輪公園 (終點)
Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park (Starts) > Tai Mo Shan Lin Jar Kisok > Maclehose Trail Session 8 > Maclehose Trail Session 8 (Grassland) > Tai Mo Shan Road (Along the road) > Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park (Finish)
Download: Google Map / GPX
起點Start Point: 大帽山扶輪公園 (開放時間Opening hours: 1315 - 1415)
* 比賽開始時間Race Starts time: 1400
終點Finish Point: 大帽山扶輪公園Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park (開放時間Opening hours: 1400 - 1615) 提供: 水, 汽水. Provide: Water and Soft drinks
* 比賽限時2小時Race time limit 2 hours : 需要下午4時15分前到達 Arrival before 1615
大帽山遊客中心連姐店 (慶祝地點) : Tai Mo Shan Lin Jar Kisok (celebration place)
水, 汽水, 豆漿, 燒賣, 果仁, 薯片, water, soft drink, soya bean, nuts, chips, Kong Hong street food.
~ 每一位參賽者各自評估自己在沒有計時器下的完成時間。
~ 自己設定時間與實際時間前後差距不多於8分鐘(挑戰組) / 10分鐘(體驗組) / 12分鐘(家庭組), 可獲標竿獎紀念品乙份。
~ 報名時需填寫預算完成比賽時間 (預算完成時間可於2023年1月20日或以前登入報名系統更改, 在比賽日更改需另收行政費港幣$88元)
~ 參賽期間,所有計時器及與時間有關的設備如手提電話或手錶的等,需放入大會指定的膠袋中(膠袋將於比賽日派發);也不可問途人時間。
~ 每人在起點會有一塊"繪馬許願2023年"牌,寫下您自己2023年的目標,向著目標拼力去幹。
~ 挑戰組、體驗組及家庭組參賽者需自備飲用器皿,水袋及水樽不可少於500毫升。
~ 必須携帶手提電話 (需放入大會預備的膠袋中)。
領取物資: TBC
0815-0855 ~ 行李寄存
0850-0900 ~ 賽前講解
0900-0915 ~ 分批安排起步 (挑戰組)
1215 ~ 鉛礦坳水站關閉 (挑戰組)
1300 ~ 體驗組起步 (體驗組)
1400 ~ 家庭組起步 (家庭組)
1615 ~ 比賽結束 (各組別)
Race information:
~ Every participant estimates your completion time without a timer in the race.
~ If your actual time is within a variance of not more than 8 minutes (Challenge) / 10 minutes (Experience) / 12 minutes (Family) from your estimated time, you will be awarded the "Goal Award".
~ During registration, the participants need to mark the estimated time on the registration system (Estimate time can be changed in the system before 20 January 2023. Change on-site will be charged an administration fee of HK$88).
~ NO timers and timing equipment such as mobile phone and watch are allowed during the race and cannot ask any people about the timing along the route. Your mobile phone and watch need to be put into a tailor-made plastic bag. (You will receive the bag on the event day)
~ All participants will receive a "Make a wish on Ema 2023" at the start point. Write down your personal goal before start and you can focus to fight for your success.
Mandatory Gear:
~ For Challenge, Experience and Family team, participants must carry at least 500ml of water bladder or bottles.
~ A mobile phone (put into the tailor made plastic bag on the event day)
Race Pack Collection: TBC
Race Day Schedule
0815 - 0855 - Race baggage collection
0850 - 900 - Race briefing
0900 - Race Starts (Challenge)
0930 - Lead Mine Pass Water Station Opens (Challenge)
1215 - Lead Mine Pass Water Station Closes (Challenge)
1300 - Race starts (Experience)
1400 - Race starts (Family)
1615 - Race ends (all teams)
如比賽日不能出席, 可在1月20日前更改, 手續費為50元。現場更改需付手續費88元。
如於活動開始前三小時懸掛三號或以上颱風訊號,紅色或黑色暴雨警告訊號,當日活動將會取消。本活動將會改期至4月1日, 參加者如不能參加,費用一概不作退款。
Sports HFS Company / MIG Action Limited已購買公眾責任保險,但並不包括個人意外保險。主辦機構建議參賽者自行投購個人意外保險。
Race rules:
Participants in the Challenge Team, must be at least 18 years old on the race day. Welcome 10 to 17 years youth participate with parent.
Experience & Family Team must be at least 18 years old on the race day. Welcome children and young people aged 3 to 17 to participate with parents.
Participants are required to assess their physical condition and actual ability before they choose to register for the race.
Participants are request to fill in the estimated completion time during registration.
The estimated completion time can be changed in the system by yourselves on/before 20 January 2023. (An admission fee of HK$88.00 will be charged if you request to change the timing on-site.)
You can transfer your place to your friend before 20 January 2023. The administration fee is HK$50. Charges on-site will be changed HK$88.
Participants are not allowed to bring any timing equipment, watch, alarm or mobile phone during the race. Mobile phones or watches need to be kept in a tailormade plastic bag. Participants are also not allowed to ask passers-by for the time. If any of these rules are broken, the "Precision Award" qualification will be cancelled.
If the plastic bag for mobile phones/watches is opened, the "Precision Award" qualification will be cancelled.
Participants must carry the mandatory gear at all times during the race. Random gear checks may be performed during the race. Any participant without the mandatory gear will be disqualified for the "Precision Award".
Stay on the marked course. Short cuts are strictly prohibited. Non-compliance will result in the cancellation of the “Precision Award".
Participants must complete the marked course by foot.
Race numbers must be worn on the front of the clothing and visible at all times.
Food and drinks at the water station and finish point are reserved for runners only.
Participants must obey directions of checkpoint staffs and course marshals at all times. If you miss any cut-off times, you must withdraw from the race as instructed
Participants must keep the country park clean. Littering is strictly prohibited
If particpants want to drop out or require medical assistance during the race, you must use the phone numbers printed on your race bib to contact event organisers who will make every effort to retrieve you.
All complaints of misconduct or breach of rules must be informed to the Race Director before 3pm on the event day. Any ruling made by the Race Director will be final and without appeal.
Participants may opt out of the race and all costs will not be refunded.
The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the event rules and requirements, route and/or other arrangements as they deem appropriate.
Should you have any queries, please message us via Facebook page of Tai Mo Shan Trail Race or email us : taimoshanhk@gmail.com
Bad weather arrangement:
The event will be cancelled if a red or black rainstorm signal, or a tropical cyclone No.3 or above is hoisted by the Hong Kong Observatory at 5am on the event day. Event will be postponed to 1 April 2023. All fees are non-refundable if you can't join the postponed date in the event of bad weather.
Should the above inclement weather / condition warning be raised after the commencement of the race, the Race Director has the right to change the course distance or stop the race. If the race is cancelled, all fees will not be refunded.
Please check the weather from the Hong Kong Observatory website or call the observatory at 1878200 on the event day.