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日期: 2019年9月29日(星期日)       
時間: 8.30am - 4.30pm  
比賽起點及終點: 大帽山扶輪公園

Challenge 挑戰組(28km)

8小時內完成 (8:30am - 4:30pm)

within 8 hours (8:30am - 4:30pm)

(If your actual time is within a variance of not more than 5 minutes, you will be awarded the "Precision award".) 

Open 公開組 (17km)

7小時內完成 (8:30am - 3:30pm)

within 7 hours (8:30am - 3:30pm)

(If your actual time is within a variance of not more than 5 minutes, you will be awarded the "Precision award".) 

Experience體驗 / Family家庭組 (7km)

4小時內完成 (8:30am - 12:30pm)

within 4 hours (8:30am - 12:30pm)
(If your actual time is within a variance of not more than 10 minutes, you will be awarded the "Precision award".) 

全年「最精準大師」可以獲得由Gone Running 送出的Oxsitis越野跑背包乙個,價值港幣$1390元,其餘9位最精準朋友可獲得Oxsitis越野跑背包禮劵,價值港幣$600元。

~ 每一位參賽者各自評估自己在沒有計時器下的完成時間。
~ ​自己設定時間與實際時間前後差距不多於5分鐘(挑戰組及公開組)/10分鐘(體驗組及家庭組), 可獲精準獎紀念品乙份。
~ 報名時需填寫預算完成比賽時間 (預算完成時間可於2019年9月15日或以前登入報名系統更改, 在比賽日更改需另收行政費港幣$50元)
~ 參賽期間,所有計時器及與時間有關的設備如手提電話或手錶的等,需放入大會指定的膠袋中(膠袋將於比賽日派發);也不可問途人時間。
~ 挑戰組、公開組、體驗組及家庭組參賽者需自備飲用器皿,水袋及水樽不可少於500毫升。
~ 必須携帶手提電話 (需放入大會預備的膠袋中)。
領取物資: 2019年9月20至2019年9月27日 

營業時間: 星期一至日上午11時至晚上8時               

報名費: HK$380
超級早鳥報名: HK$280 (5月15日或之前) 
早鳥報名: HK$320 (7月31日或之前) 
早上7:20 - 7:40 - 大會安排接駁車在荃灣地鐵站至大帽山(每位$20) *需要報名時付款 (乘車位置) 
早上7:30 - 行李寄存開始
早上8:25 - 賽前講解 
早上8:30至9:00 - 不定時分批安排起步 (挑戰組、公開組、體驗組及家庭組)
早午11:30 - 大帽山水站關閉 (挑戰組)
中午12:00 - 大帽山水站關閉 (公開組)
下午12:30 - 比賽結束 (體驗組及家庭組)
下午1:30 - 鉛礦坳水站關閉 (挑戰組)
下午3:30 - 比賽結束 (公開組)
下午4:30 - 比賽結束 (挑戰組)
​挑戰組: (28km - 限時8小時)  MAP / Route Map & GPX   (爬升1524米 / 下降1512米)
大帽山扶輪公園  > 甲龍古道 > 雷公田 > 甲龍林徑 >  大帽山扶輪公園 (水站) > 大帽山家樂徑 >  大帽山遠足研習徑 > 大帽山自然教育徑 >  扶輪徑觀景台 > 荃錦公路 > 川龍 > 龍門郊遊徑 > 城門林道水塘段 > 衞奕信徑W080 > 鉛礦坳 (水站) >大帽山山頂 > 大帽山道(沿車路)> 大帽山扶輪公園 (終點)

公開組: (17km - 限時7小時)  MAP / Route Map & GPX   (爬升921米 / 下降912米)
大帽山扶輪公園  > 甲龍古道 > 雷公田 > 甲龍林徑 >  大帽山扶輪公園 (水站) > 大帽山家樂徑 >  大帽山遠足研習徑 > 大帽山自然教育徑 >  扶輪徑觀景台 > 荃錦公路 > 川龍 > 施樂園 > 大帽山道(沿車路)> 大帽山扶輪公園 (終點)

體驗組及家庭組: (7km - 限時4小時)  MAP / Route Map & GPX   (
爬升500米 / 下降495米)
大帽山扶輪公園  > 甲龍古道 > 雷公田 > 甲龍林徑 >  大帽山扶輪公園 (終點)

水站及終點: 位於大帽山扶輪公園鉛礦坳
​提供大量飲品及食物 (各參加者需要自備水杯)
大帽山扶輪公園 (水站及終點) : 水, 運動飲品, 汽水, 冰, 雪糕, 雪條, 涼粉, 燒賣, 魚蛋, 果仁, 茶葉蛋, 水果
鉛礦坳(水站) : 水, 運動飲品, 汽水, 冰, 果仁, 冰菠蘿, 水果

10 of Master of Precision Award:
Thank you Gone Running to sponsor the Oxsitis for「Master of Precision Award」and it cost HK$1,390.    The place for No 2 - 9 will gain the coupon of HK$600  for Oxsitis ultra-light hydration pack. 

Race information:
~ Every participants estimates your completion time without a timer in the race.
~ If your actual time is within a variance of not more than 5 minutes (Challenge and Open) / 10 minutes (Experience and Family) from your estimated time, you will be awarded the "Precision award".
~ During registration, the participants need to mark the estimated time on the registration system (Estimate time can be changed in the system before 15 September 2019.  Change on-site will be charged an administration fee of HK$50).
~ NO timers and timing equipment such as mobile phone and watch are allowed during the race and cannot ask any people about the timing along the route .  Your mobile phone and watch need to be put into a tailor made plastic bag. (You will receive the bag on the event day)
Mandatory Gear:
~ For Challenge, Open, Experience and Family team, participants must carry at least 500ml of water bladder or bottles. 
~ A mobile phone (put into the tailor made plastic bag on the event day)
Race Pack Collection:  20 - 27 September 2019
Gone Running
16/F Simsons Commercial Building, 137 Johnston Road, Wanchai 
Opening hours: 11:00am to 8:00pm (Monday to Sunday)
Registration Starts: 
Registraion: HK$380
Super Early Bird: HK$280 (on/before 15 May 2019)
Early Bird: HK$320 (on/before 31 July 2019)  

Race Day Schedule
7:20am - 7:40am Shuttle Bus from Tsuen Wan MTR to Tai Mo Shan (HK$20 each) * need to pay during registration.   (Location for Shuttle Bus)
7:30am - Race baggage collection 
8:25am - Race briefing
8:30am - 9:00am - Selective by organiser for race starts (Challenge, Experience and Family)
11:30am - Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park Water Station Closes (Challenge)
12:00noon - Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park Water Station Closes (Open) 
12:30pm - Race ends (Experience & Family)
1:30pm - Leadmine Pass Water Station Closes (Challenge)
3:30pm - Race ends (Open)
4:30pm - Race ends (Challenge)
Route and Time Limit:
Challenge: (28km within 8 hours)    MAP / Route Map & GPX   (Ascent: 1524m / Descent: 1512m)
Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park >  Kap Lung Ancient Trail >  Lui Kung Tin >  Kap Lung Forest Trail > Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park (Water Station) >  Tai Mo Shan Family Walk > Tai Mo Shan Hiking Practice Trail > Rotary Club Park Nature Trail > Rotary Club Park Nature Trail Viewing Point > Route Twisk > Chuen Lung > Lung Mun Country Trail > Shing Mun Forest Track - Reservoir Section > Wilson Trail W80> Lead Mine Pass (Water Station) > Top of Tai Mo Shan > Tai Mo Shan Road (along the road) > Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park (Finish)
​​Open: (17km within 7 hours)     MAP / Route Map & GPX   (Ascent: 921m / Descent: 912m)
Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park >  Kap Lung Ancient Trail >  Lui Kung Tin >  Kap Lung Forest Trail > Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park (Water Station) >  Tai Mo Shan Family Walk > Tai Mo Shan Hiking Practice Trail > Rotary Club Park Nature Trail > Rotary Club Park Nature Trail Viewing Point > Route Twisk > Chuen Lung > Sze Lok Yuen > Tai Mo Shan Road (along the road) > Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park (Finish)
Experience and Family: (7km within 4 hours)    MAP / Route Map & GPX   (Ascent: 500m / Descent: 495m)
Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park >  Kap Lung Ancient Trail >  Lui Kung Tin >  Kap Lung Forest Trail > Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park (Finish)
Water Station and finish point: Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park & Lead Mine Pass
​Provide Food and Drink (Please bring your mug)
Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park (Water Station & Finish Point) : Water, Sports Drink, Soft Drink, Ice, Ice-cream, Ice Lolly, Grass Jelly, Sui-Mai, Fish Ball, Nuts, Tea-egg and Fruit​
鉛礦坳(水站) : Water, Sports Drink, Soft Drink, Ice, Nuts, Ice Pine-apple Slices and Fruit


  1. 挑戰組, 公開組, 體驗組及家庭組之參加者必須於比賽當日最少年滿18歲,歡迎3歲至17歲小朋友及年青人與家長一起參與。

  2. 參賽者需評估自己的身體狀況和實際能力選擇報名參賽。

  3. 報名時需要填寫預計完成比賽的時間。

  4. 預計完成時間可在2019年9月15日或之前自行登入報名系統更改。現場更改需要付港幣50元行政手續費。

  5. 如比賽日不能出席, 可在9月15日前換改, 手續費為30元。現場更改需付手續費50元。

  6. 在比賽進行期間,不可携帶任何計時器具手錶及不可聽音樂及聽收音機等。電話需要放入大會提供的塑膠袋中。亦不可詢問途人時間,參賽者若發現違規,將被取消「精準獎」資格。

  7. 手機或手錶的膠袋被拆,將被取消「精準獎」資格。

  8. 比賽期間,參賽者必須全時間攜帶各項指定裝備,主辦機構可能會隨機進行裝備檢查。裝備不全的參賽者,將被取消「精準獎」資格。

  9. 參賽者應緊隨有標示之賽道前進,嚴禁另走捷徑,參賽者若被發現違規,將被取消資格。

  10. 參賽者須以徒步完成賽事。

  11. 參賽號碼布必須置於上衣前方,於任何時間均清晰可見。

  12. 檢查站提供的食物飲料,只供參賽者享用。

  13. 參賽者必須於所有時間遵行檢查站負責人員及賽道糾察的方向指示。若參賽者於檢查站關閉時間前仍未到達,必須根據指示退出比賽。

  14. 參賽者要保持環境清潔,不得在沿途亂扔垃圾。

  15. 如參賽者中途選擇退出比賽,或遇有任何緊急情況,應撥號碼布上所載之電話號碼,與主辦機構聯絡,主辦機構人員即會盡力搜尋參賽者。

  16. ​如對比賽過程、結果有任何異議、不滿、投訴,請於活動當日下午3時前,向活動總監或終點工作人員作出反映,逾時將不獲處理。

  17. 參賽者可以選擇退出比賽,所有費用一概不作退款。

  18. 主辦機構保留酌情修改比賽規則、路線及/或其他安排的權利。參賽者請按主辦機構指示進行活動,不得異議;所有有關活動之安排、變動,亦由主辦機構作最終決定。

  19. 如對賽事有什麼疑問,請在Facebook大帽山精準賽專頁或電郵taimoshantc@gmail.com查詢。


  1. 如於活動開始前三小時懸掛三號或以上颱風訊號,紅色或黑色暴雨警告訊號,當日活動將會取消。本活動不會改期, 參加者之費用一概不作退款。

  2. 如活動進行中天氣惡劣或懸掛上述任何警告,活動總監有權以安全理由,活動將會改變或取消。所有費用將不獲退還。

  3. 大會建議參加者於活動當日早上致電或瀏覽香港天文台查詢有關天氣情況。(電話:1878200)


Sports HFS Company已購買公眾責任保險,但並不包括個人意外保險。主辦機構建議參賽者自行投購個人意外保險。

Race rules:

  1. Participants in the Challenge Team, Open Team, Experience & Family Team must be at least 18 years old on the race day.  Welcome children and young people aged 3 to 17 to participate with parents.

  2. Participants are required to assess their physical condition and actual ability before they choose to register for the race.

  3. Participants are request to fill in the estimated completion time during registration.

  4. The estimated completion time can be changed in the system by yourselves on/before 15 September 2019.  (An admission fee of HK$50.00 will be charged if you request to change the timing on-site.)

  5. You can transfer your place to your friend before 15 September 2019. The administration fee is HK$30. Charges on-site will be changed HK$50.

  6. Participants are not allowed to bring any timing equipment, watch, alarm or mobile phone  during the race.   Mobile phones or watches need to be kept in a tailor made plastic bag.   Participants are also not allowed to ask passers-by for the time.  If any of these rules are broken, the "Precision Award" qualification will be cancelled.

  7. If the plastic bag for mobile phones/watches is opened, the "Precision Award" qualification will be cancelled.

  8. Participants must carry the mandatory gear at all times during the race.  Random gear checks may be performed during the race.  Any participant without the mandatory gear will be disqualified for the "Precision Award".

  9. Stay on the marked course.  Short cuts are strictly prohibited. Non-compliance will result in the cancellation of the “Precision Award". 

  10. Participants must complete the marked course by foot. 

  11. Race numbers must be worn on the front of the clothing and visible at all times.

  12. Food and drinks at the water station and finish point are reserved for runners only. 

  13. Participants must obey directions of checkpoint staffs and course marshals at all times.  If you miss any cut-off times, you must withdraw from the race as instructed

  14. Participants must keep the country park clean.  Littering is strictly prohibited

  15. If particpants want to drop out or require medical assistance during the race, you must use the phone numbers printed on your race bib to contact event organisers who will make every effort to retrieve you. 

  16. All complaints of misconduct or breach of rules must be informed to the Race Director before 3pm on the event day.  Any ruling made by the Race Director will be final and without appeal.

  17. Participants may opt out of the race and all costs will not be refunded.

  18. The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the event rules and requirements, route and/or other arrangements as they deem appropriate.

  19. Should you have any queries, please message us via Facebook page of Tai Mo Shan Top Challenge or email us :


Bad weather arrangement :
  1. The event will be cancelled if a red or black rainstorm signal, or a tropical cyclone No.3 or above is hoisted by the Hong Kong Observatory at 5am on the event day.  Event will not be postponed and all fees are non-refundable in the event of bad weather.

  2. Should the above inclement weather / condition warning be raised after the commencement of the race, the Race Director has the right to change the course distance or stop the race.   If the race is cancelled, all fees will not be refunded.

  3. Please check the weather from the Hong Kong Observatory website or call the observatory at 1878200 on the event day.

Race Insurance:

Sports HFS Company has its own public liability insurance.  This does not include personal accident of participants.  We recommend that participants have your own personal accident cover.
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